College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (DVM)

Category Requirement
Application Fee • $215 non-refundable fee to Texas Medical and Dental Schools Application Service (TMDSAS)
• $75 non-refundable secondary application fee to Texas A&M University
• Acuity Insights assessment and distribution fee paid directly to Acuity Insights
Previous Degree An applicant is expected to have completed at least 42 hours of coursework before submitting an application. Applicants must have 53 hours prior to admission into the professional program. Applicants are requested to have the majority of their science prerequisites completed by the semester of application.
Undergraduate Cumulative GPA Minimum of all of the following: 2.90 overall, 3.10 last 45 SCH, and 2.90 overall sciences. Completion of set core curriculum with GPA as high as possible.
Graduate Record Examination (GRE) GRE scores are not required at this time. Selections committee has the right to require the GRE for future application cycles.
International Requirements 1 Priority consideration is given to qualified applicants who are residents of Texas and U.S. citizens, or residents of Texas who live in the U.S. under a visa permitting permanent residence.
Other Requirements Application interview at the option of the Selection Committee

The DVM program does not admit international students.

Admission Requirements—Professional Curriculum

The admission recommendations and requirements are reconsidered annually out of phase with this graduate and professional catalog. The student is encouraged to contact the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences or visit our website at for the most updated specific information concerning professional veterinary medical program admissions.

There is no separate curriculum in preveterinary medicine; therefore, a student entering Texas A&M University, who is interested in a career in veterinary medicine, must choose a specific course of study offered by one of the colleges of the University.

The student should select a curriculum in which the preprofessional course recommendations listed below can be completed as well as pursue a degree in another field in the event that admission into the professional curriculum in veterinary medicine is not achieved.

Counsel for students who wish to qualify for the professional curriculum in veterinary medicine is available in the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences regardless of the curriculum in which the student is registered. Students currently attending Texas A&M University are encouraged to contact the Office of Professional School Advising for more information.

Preprofessional Course Requirements

The minimal number of college or university credits required for admission into the professional curriculum is 53 semester hours. Applicants must have completed or have in progress approximately 42 credit hours during the semester they make application. Because there is no specific degree associated with the preprofessional study plan, students are encouraged to pursue a specific degree program that meets his/her individual interest. To be eligible for the Bachelor of Science degree at Texas A&M University, certain requirements must be met (see University Core Curriculum requirements). We strongly encourage that courses be chosen with a counselor at the applicant’s institution, or through contact with an academic advisor at the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University, (979) 862-1169.