Find out about residential building permits, including when you need one and how to apply.
A residential building permit is usually required for building or renovating work, such as:
Scroll down to see the A to Z residential building permit list to learn more about the requirements.
Separate plumbing and electrical permits are required for any plumbing and electrical work. Plumbing and electrical permits may be applied for only after you've been issued the building permit.
A building permit is not required for projects such as:
Prior to preparing any documents or drawings, ensure that the new civic address(es) of a subject property have been established by an Addressing Clerk. The correct civic address shall be displayed in an obvious location on each drawing sheet. Drawings will not be reviewed with incorrect or missing addresses.
Duplex, triplex & fourplex permit applications: the existing address must be changed and confirmed with the Addressing Clerk before submitting your application package.
Contact the Addressing Clerk at or 604-591-4448 for zoning information and address verification.
To make sure you fill out the application form correctly, review the residential building permit application form requirements.
Fees can be paid by cash, cheque or debit. See the current City of Surrey building permit fees.
Find the details below on how to apply for the most popular types of building permits. This list is not comprehensive. If you have doubts on whether you require a permit for your work, call the Building Information Line at 604-591-4366.